Program Offerings

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Outreach Program Opportunities:

Please call David Seitz, Pastoral Associate – Evangelical Charity,
for further information or crisis referrals: 248-651-7486

Care and Share Monthly Collection

Parishioners donate staple food and/or personal care items on the first Sunday of every month for distribution to area food banks and outreach agencies
Contact: David Seitz, Christian Service Coordinator at 248-651-7486

Food Pantry “Plus One” Program

St. Andrew Parish was one of the founders of the Rochester Area Neighborhood House.  Over the years, the food pantry has become an important resource for families experiencing food insecurity in the Rochester community.  We established the “Plus One” program to help ensure a consistent supply of food items throughout the year.  We ask that each family, during their weekly grocery shopping, purchase ONE EXTRA ITEM of food for the pantry.  If each family that attends Mass contributes that “Plus One” item, St. Andrew will have a significant impact providing nutritious food for those in need.  Simply drop the “Plus One” item in the food collection box at the back of the Church when you come to Mass.  See the bulletin each week for a list of the pantry’s current needs.

For more information contact David in the parish office  (248) 651-7486

Eucharist to the Homebound

Volunteers in this important ministry take the Eucharist to those members of our faith community that cannot attend Mass.  Some are permanently homebound; others are recovering from surgery or are in rehabilitation.  Our volunteers also minister to residents in local assisted living communities, ensuring that the faith is nourished and shared.  Those serving also provide companionship to those being visited, offering a continuing connection to the parish.  If you or someone you know cannot attend Mass but would like to receive the Eucharist, please contact David in the parish office (248) 651-7486

Grief Support

You do not need to walk the path of grief alone.  While the experience of grief is unique to each individual, your burden can be lightened by walking alongside those who have a similar experience of loss.  “Grieving, A Spiritual Process for Catholics” is an eight-week facilitated program helping you recognize where you are and provide coping strategies to assist the grieving process.  Past participants have come to appreciate the support of the group and new friendships formed through sharing a common life experience.  For upcoming group information contact David Seitz in the parish office  (248) 651-7486